Słownictwo z języka angielskiego kwiecień- maj 2023r.

Słownictwo z języka angielskiego kwiecień- maj 2023r.

*  APRIL * / * MAY *    2023


NOUNS:   Fruit/s : strawberr/ies, blackberry/ies, banana/s, mango/s, grapefruit/s, grape/s,

tangerine/s, orange/s, apple/s, pear/s, peach/es, apricot/s, lemon/, lime/s, cherry/ies,

pomegranate/s, kiwi/s, fig/s

                Vegetable/s : potato/s, tomato/s, celery, celery sticks, carrot/s, parsley, broccoli/s,

aubergines, cabbage, lettuce, iceberg lettuce( sałata lodowa), pepper/s  (red, yellow, green),

radish, cucumber/s, cauliflower/s, beetroot/s ( burak), horseradish/es, kohlrabi( kalarepka),

kale/s ( jarmuż), arugula( ruccola)

                Flavors/ Tastes : sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, peppery, sweet and sour, juicy

VERBS /PHRASES :  What would You like to eat? What would You like to taste? What do You like the most? Can I have….( an orange please), I don’t like, I like, My favorite fruit/ veg  is…

For breakfast I eat/ have…

For lunch I eat / have…

For dinner I eat/ have…

For supper I eat / have …


NOUNS:  Fruit/s : strawberr/ies, blackberry/ies, banana/s, mango/s, grapefruit/s, grape/s,

tangerine/s, orange/s, apple/s, pear/s, peach/es, apricot/s, lemon/, lime/s, cherry/ies,

pomegranate/s, kiwi/s, fig/s

                Vegetable/s : potato/s, tomato/s, celery, celery sticks, carrot/s, parsley, broccoli/s,

aubergines, cabbage, lettuce, iceberg lettuce( sałata lodowa), pepper/s  (red, yellow, green),

radish, cucumber/s, cauliflower/s, beetroot/s ( burak), horseradish/es, kohlrabi( kalarepka),

kale/s ( jarmuż), arugula( ruccola)

                Flavors/ Tastes : sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, peppery, sweet and sour, juicy

VERBS /PHRASES :  What would You like to eat? What would You like to taste? What do You like the most? Can I have….( an orange please), I don’t like, I like, My favorite fruit/ veg  is…

For breakfast I eat/ have…

For lunch I eat / have…

For dinner I eat/ have…

For supper I eat / have …


NOUNSFruit/s : strawberr/ies (truskawka),blackberry/ies (jeżyna), banana/s ( banan), mango/s( mango), grape/s ( winogrona), orange/s (pomarańcza), apple/s ( jabłko), pear/s (gruszka), peach/es ( brzoskwinka), lemon/s ( cytryna), cherry/ies ( czereśnia), kiwi/s ( kiwi)

                Vegetable/s : potato/s ( ziemniak), tomato/s( pomidor), celery ( seler), carrot/s (marchewka), parsley ( pietruszka), broccoli/s ( brokuły), cabbage( kapusta), lettuce( sałata), pepper/s (red, yellow, green) ( paprika), radish ( rzodkiewka), cucumber/s( ogórek), cauliflower/s ( kalafior), beetroot/s (burak), horseradish/es (chrzan)

               Flavors/ Tastes : sweet( słodki), sour( kwaśny), spicy ( pikantny), salty ( słone), bitter ( gorzki), peppery ( pieprzny), sweet and sour ( słodko-kwaśny), juicy ( soczysty)

VERBS /PHRASES :  What would You like to eat? ,  Can I have….( an orange please), I don’t like,

                                      I like, My favorite fruit/ veg  is…

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