Język angielski – luty 2020

Group 1Group 2Group 3
Lp. 36nouns: garage, window(s), door(s), front door, path, garden, gate, roof, chimneynouns: garage, window(s), door(s), front door, path, garden, gate, roof, chimneyplay with.. /dry myself, dry my/your/ hands, clean my/ your face, clean your hands, wash your face , wash behind my ears, wash under your armpits, soap between my toes and fingers.
verbs: build, put the roof on, open, close, see all the roomsverbs: build, put the roof on, open, close, see all the rooms
Lp. 37verbs: build, put the roof on, open, close, see all the roomsnouns: garage, window(s), door(s), front door, path, garden, gate, roof, chimneynouns: garage, window(s), door(s), front door, path, garden, gate, roof, chimney
verbs: clean, put away all toys, mess, what a mess!, make a bed, clean up the house, cleaningverbs: clean, put away all toys, mess, what a mess!, make a bed, clean up the house, cleaning
Lp. 38nouns: build, put the roof on, open, close, see all the roomsnouns: hall,kitchen, lounge, bedroom, bathroom, study, loft, cellarnouns: hall,kitchen, lounge, bedroom, bathroom, study, loft, cellar
verbs: clean, put away all toys, mess, what a mess!verbs: clean, put away all toys, mess, what a mess!verbs: clean, put away all toys, mess, what a mess!
Lp. 39nouns: book(s), lamp(s),flower(s), plant(s), wardrobe, chair, bed, desk, pillow, blanket, quilt, curtain(s), carpetnouns: book(s), lamp(s),flower(s), plant(s), wardrobe, chair, bed, desk, pillow, blanket, quilt, curtain(s), carpetnouns: book(s), lamp(s),flower(s), plant(s), wardrobe, chair, bed, desk, pillow, blanket, quilt, curtain(s), carpet
verbs: make a bed, clean up the house, verbs: make a bed, clean up the house, verbs: make a bed, clean up the house,
Lp. 40nouns: book(s), lamp(s),flower(s), plant(s), wardrobe, chair, bed, desk, pillow, blanket, quilt, curtain(s), carpet,book shelvesnouns: book(s), lamp(s),flower(s), plant(s), wardrobe, chair, bed, desk, pillow, blanket, quilt, curtain(s), carpet,book shelvesnouns: book(s), lamp(s),flower(s), plant(s), wardrobe, chair, bed, desk, pillow, blanket, quilt, curtain(s), carpet,book shelves
verbs: make a bed, clean up the house, cleaning
Lp. 41review: in the bathroom, in the kitchenreview: in the bathroom, in the kitchenreview: in the bathroom, in the kitchen
compare with: what is in the room?what is in the kitchen? What is in the bathroom?compare with: what is in the room?what is in the kitchen? What is in the bathroom?compare with: what is in the room?what is in the kitchen? What is in the bathroom?
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