DECEMBER  –  2022

                                *CHRISTMAS     PRESENTATION*


NOUNS: Winter, snow, lots of snow, ice, cold,Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, reindeer/s,  troll/s, workshop, present/s , gift/s, cake/s, carp/s,  Christmas socks, bauble/s, star/s, wafer/s, red nose, wreath on the door, lights, candle/s, table, tablecloth, crib, stable, angel/s, Christmas dinner, church/s, sled/s, Christmas pudding, surprise gift/s,



VERBS: freezing, decorate, clean the house, write a letter/s,  wait to see Santa Claus, put in, take off, set the table, prepare, sing the Christmas carols, be happy, to get a gift / present, light on, hole family enjoy,


PHRASES: Merry Christmas, very Merry Christmas,  gifts  under the Christmas tree,




NOUNS:  Winter, snow, lots of snow, ice, cold, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, reindeer/s,  troll/s, workshop, present/s , gift/s, cake/s, carp/s,  Christmas socks, bauble/s, star/s, wafer/s, red nose, wreath on the door, lights, candle/s, table, tablecloth, crib, stable, angel/s, Christmas dinner, church/s, sled/s, Christmas pudding, surprise gift/s,



VERBS:  celebration, freezing, decorate, clean the house, write a letter/s,  wait to see Santa Claus, put in, take off, set the table, prepare, sing the Christmas carols, be happy, to get a gift / present, light on, hole family enjoy, say prayer/s,



PHRASES: Merry Christmas, very Merry Christmas,  gifts  under the Christmas tree, wafer on the table, star on the top of Christmas tree, make wishes, say all the best, look pretty, look handsome






NOUNS: Winter-zima , snow-śnieg , lots of snow-dużo śniegu, ice- lód, cold-zimno, Christmas-Święta Bożegonarodzenia, Christmas Eve- Wigilia, ‘Christmas tree’- (świąteczna)  choinka, Santa Claus- Mikołaj, reindeer/s- renifer/renifery ,  troll/s- troll/trole,  workshop-warsztat,  gift/s-podarunki, cake/s- ciasto/ ciasta , carp/s- karp, karpie,  Christmas socks- skarpety Bożonarodzeniowe, bauble/s- bombka/ bombki, star/s,- gwiazda/ gwiazdy,  wafer/s,- opłatek/ opłatki,  red nose-czerwony nos,  candle/s- świeca,świece,  table/s- stól/ stoły, tablecloth- obrus, stable-stajenka, angel/s- anioł/ anioły, church/s- kościół/ kościoły, sled/s- sanie/sanki, Christmas pudding-Bożonarodzeniowy deser


VERBS: decorate- dekorować, write a letter/s-napisać  list,  wait to see Santa Claus- oczekiwać na Mikołaja, put in-włożyć, take off- wyjąć, wyjmować , set the table-nakryć do stołu, sing the Christmas carols- śpiewać  kolędy, be happy- być szczęśliwym, to get a gift / present- dostać  prezent, enjoy – cieszyć się,


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